Monday, September 30, 2019

Islamic Architecture

Structuralisms Architecture Islamic architecture encompasses a wide range of both secular and religious styles from the foundation of Islam to the present day, influencing the design and construction of buildings and structures in Islamic culture. What is Islam? * The name of the religion is Islam, which comes from an Arabic root word meaning â€Å"peace† and â€Å"submission. † * Islam teaches that one can only find peace in one's life by submitting to Almighty God (Allah) in heart, soul and deed. * The same Arabic root word gives us â€Å"Salaam Alaskan,† (â€Å"Peace be with you†), the universal Muslim reediting.Geographical * The Moslem faith flourished in the countries of Southern Asia and North Africa. * Other important communities include Zanzibar, Madagascar and China. * In the 20th century mobility, Islam was brought throughout the world as far as Sydney and South shields. * The spread of Islam has been frequently associated with military conquest , racial movements and in some cases with the consequent displacement of established populations. * The most important were the Arab expansion northwards and westwards out of the Arabian peninsula, and the drive of the Turkish ND Mongol groups South, Southeast and Southwest of Central Asia.The Islamic world Geological * The countries into which Islam first expanded were already rich in building tradition and the important techniques of exploitation of natural resources for building work and trade in building materials had long been established. * Brick making and pipes' walling was almost universal in the alluvial plains * Cooling effect of structures with very heavy walls and high rooms has been widely exploited. * Unprotected circulation are common. History * A. D. 622 – the year of the Hegira, when Mohammed moved from Mecca to Medina.Immediately after his death in 632 – the concerted efforts of the Arabian Tibet carried death as conquerors into Central Asia and west ward towards the Atlantic. Social * The Arab group which were the spearhead of advanced Islam ,were essentially tribal, and in consequence the behavior patterns and attributes of emergent Islamic societies were based on traditions of the desert. * Public life was reserved for men. * Women play a secondary role, to be part of the household – the harem. In public, she is protected by the anonymity of the veil. * Equality was only granted to theAromatic groups. * â€Å"peoples of the book† -Jews and Christians * Freedom of worship and interval government. Religious * Islam is the last of the three great religions of the middle east. * Its essence is contained in a simple sentence, which is both the profession of faith and the credo of its adherents * There is only one God and his prophet Mohammed. * Philosophy of life and government. * The Koran – is regarded as the revelation through the medium of the prophet Mohammed. * The Width – is the collection of his sayings or injunctions and is of lesser weight.The law – is extracted from the prophet's instructions, from tradition and sample. * An acceptance of the transitory nature of earthly life; personal humility; an abhorrence of images worship. * The important architectural endeavor is normally expended on buildings having a direct social or community purpose, including worships; that decorations tends toward the abstract, using geometric, calligraphic and plant motifs , with a preference for a uniform field of decoration rather than a focal element; and that a basic conservatism discouraged innovations and favored established formsTerminologies * Massed (Persia, India) – mosque or a place of worship. * Jam – mosque, principal place of worship, or use of the building for Friday prayers * Messed (Turkey) – small * Salami – men's or prayer house * Madras (Egypt) * Menders (Turkey) – religious college and mosque. * Sara; Sera – palace Buildi ng Components * Miramar – niche oriented towards Mecca * Member – raised platform for ceremonial announcements open-fronted vault facing on to a court * ABA – gateway * Sans – courtyard of a mosque * Minaret – tower from which call to prayer was made.Harem – women's or private quarter's of a house or palace quest's quarters * Kibble; Kibble – axis oriented towards Mecca * Chatter (India) – kiosk Personnel * Muezzin – caller who summons the faithful to prayer * Imam – man who leads the congregation at prayer * ‘wan; Ivan (Persia) – * Caliph – successor to the prophet as military, Judicial and spiritual leader of Islam Architectural Character * Majority of Islamic buildings are fundamentally related to a principal axis. This axis is frequently extended into a formal landscape which is integral part of the sign. The prime axis was the kibble, the general concept was derived from the line of balanc e and symmetry implicit in the concept of perfect creation, as seen in gardens and buildings. * Islamic architecture is centered upon God. At its heart is the Mosque and inward – looking building whose prime purpose is contemplation and prayer. * Mosque may serve as a school, transactions may be made there and storage for treasures. * Minaret – a tower from whose top the Muezzin gave the call to prayer. * Miramar – a niche where the leader of the congregation (the Imam) sakes his prayers. Menders/Madras – college * Han/Caravanserai's – the hostel * The courtyard – the sides were punctuated with gateways, prayer chambers, or arched porches ‘wants. Architecture Forms and Styles of Mosques and buildings in Muslim countries Forms – Many forms of Islamic architecture have evolved in different regions of the Islamic world. These mosques are square or rectangular in plan with an enclosed courtyard and a covered prayer hall. Sheehan â⠂¬â€œ The traditional Islamic courtyard, a Sheehan in Arabic, is found in secular and religious structures.When within a accidence or other secular building is a private courtyard and walled garden. A Sheehan – courtyard is in within almost every mosque in Islamic architecture. The courtyards are open to the sky and surrounded on all sides by structures with halls and rooms, and often a shaded semi-open arcade. Arabesque – An element of Islamic art usually found decorating the walls and window screens of mosques and Muslim homes and buildings, the arabesque is an elaborate application of repeating geometric forms that often echo the forms of plants, shapes and sometimes animals (specifically birds).Calligraphy – is associated with geometric Islamic art (the Arabesque) on the walls and ceilings of mosques. Contemporary artists in the Islamic world draw on the heritage of calligraphy to use calligraphic inscriptions or abstractions in their work. Examples Mosque à ¢â‚¬â€œ A Muslim house of worship Minaret – A tall tower in, or continuous to a mosque arch stairs leading up to one or more balconies from which the faithful are called to prayer. Kiosk – a small pavilion, usually open, built in gardens and parks Pointed arch – a two- and four- centered and generally constructed a true arch, Hough corbelled examples were common in India.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Beam Deflection Essay

Summary The primary goal of the experiment was to determine the structural stiffness of two cantilevered beams composed of steel and aluminum while maintaining both beams at a constant thickness and cross sectional area. The experiment also investigated material properties and dimensions and their relationship to structural stiffness. The experiment was divided into two separate parts. The results for the first part of the experiment were obtained by clamping the beam at one end while applying different masses at a specified length across the beam and then measuring deflection. The measuring device was set a specified distance from the clamped end. The following procedure was employed for both the steel and aluminum beam. The second part of the experiment required placing a single known mass at various lengths across the supported beam and then measuring the resulting deflection. This method was only completed for the steel beam. The deflections from both parts of the experiment were then averaged independently to ascertain final conclusions. The first part of the experiment resulted in a much greater deflection for the aluminum beam, with its greatest deflection spanning to an average of 2.8 mm. Moreover, the deflection for the steel beam was much less, concluding that steel has a larger structural stiffness. In fact, the structural stiffness that was found for steel was 3992 N/m, compared to aluminum, which was 1645 N/m. In addition, the theoretical values of structural stiffness for steel and aluminum were calculated to be 1767.9 N/m and 5160.7 N/m, respectively. There was a large error between the theoretical and experimental values for steel, close to 29%. This could have been due to human error, or a defective beam. The second part of the experiment resulted in validating the fact that the values of deflection are proportional to length cubed. It was also determined that deflection is inversely proporti onal to the elastic modulus and that structural stiffness is proportional to the elastic modulus. Despite the fact that there was considerable error between some of the theoretical and experimental values, the experiment still proved to be effective in determining a reasonably accurate value for structural stiffness as well as verifying its relationship between material properties and beam dimensions. Introduction The beam deflection experiment was designed to investigate the structural stiffness of cantilever beams made of steel and aluminum. Cantilever beams are fixed at one end and support applied loads throughout their length. There are many applications for cantilever beams such as bridges, balconies, storage racks, airplane wings, skywalks, diving boards, and even bicycles. Figure 1 shows an example of a cantilevered beam in bridge design. The primary objective of the experiment was to find the structural stiffness for the two cantilevered beams made of aluminum and steel. For the first part of the experiment, various known loads were applied at the same distance from the fixed end of each beam. The second part of the experiment had one point load applied at different lengths. Due to the fact structural stiffness is heavily dependent on dimensions, the two beams were required to have almost identical thicknesses and cross-sectional areas. In addition, structural stiffness was assumed to be proportional to the elastic modulus of the material. It was expected that the steel beam would have a higher structural stiffness than the aluminum beam due to its higher modulus of elasticity. It was also expected that for aluminum to have the same  structural stiffness while being the same length, the dimensions of the aluminum beam would have to be larger to increase the cross sectional area. Figure 1 The Fourth Bridge in Scotland, United Kingdom, an Example of a Cantilever Beam Copyright   George Gastin, at wiki/File:Forthbridge_feb_2013.jpg. Theory Deflection is the displacement of a beam due to an applied force or load, F. The figure below represents this deflection for a cantilevered beam, labeled as ÃŽ ´. The figure below represents a cantilever beam that is fixed at point A and has a length, l. Figure 2 Cantilever Beam of Length l, Clamped at One End and Loaded at the Other End The deflection of a beam is given by the equation  ÃŽ ´ = Fl3/3EI in m. (1) E is the elastic modulus of the material, and I is the area moment of inertia. The elastic modulus describes a material’s ability to elastically deform when a force is applied. Elastic modulus is given as stress, ÏÆ', over strain, ÃŽ µ. The equation below represents this relationship. E = ÏÆ'/ÃŽ µ in N/m (2) The area moment of inertia of a rectangle (the cross-sectional shape of the beam) is dependent upon the base, b, and height, h, of the beam and is given by the expression I = bh3/12 in m4 .(3) The deflection of the beam can be rewritten as ÃŽ ´ = 4Fl3/Ebh3 in m.(4) From the following equation, it can be seen that deflection is dependent on force, the elastic modulus, and the dimensions of the beam. Therefore, a larger load that is applied to the beam will result in a larger deflection. A greater deflection will also occur if the length of the beam is increased. Alternatively, a larger width and height (a larger cross-sectional area) as well as a higher material stiffness will minimize the deflection. From equation 4, the force applied, F, can be written as F = (Ebh3/4l3)ÃŽ ´ in N,(5) or, F = kÃŽ ´ in N.(6) Where k is the structural stiffness of the beam, given as, k = Ebh3/4l3 in N/m.(7) From this equation, it can be seen that k increases as material stiffness increases. Dimensionally, the structural stiffness of the beam will also increase with a larger width and larger height and decrease with a longer length. Therefore, a smaller length will result in a larger structural stiffness. The following equation also shows that the larger the structural stiffness is, the less deflection a beam will have. The statistical analysis for the multitude of measurements taken throughout the experiment required two equations. The first equation was the statistical average given by Xave = ∑ xi /n,(8) where, Xave represents the statistical average of the measurements, xi represents the individual measurements, and n represents the total number of measurements. The second relationship was the standard deviation, given by S = (∑i=1→n[(xi – Xave) 2 / (n-1)]) 1/2. (9) The percentage error between the experimental and theoretical values for structural stiffness was calculated using the following expression, % Difference = |xth – xexp|/((1/2)*(xth+xexp)), (10) where xth and xexp represents the theoretical and experimental values, respectively. Test Setup & Procedures The experiment was conducted in a campus laboratory. The experimentation was setup to where two cantilever beams were tested for deflection using TecQuipment’s Deflection of Beams and Cantilever apparatus. The beams were  identical in geometry, but made out of two different metals, one of which is steel and the other aluminum. The beam would be inserted into the apparatus’s clamp and held in place by tightening the screw on the clamp using a hex wrench. After the beam was secured on the apparatus, the Mitutoyo Absolute displacement meter was calibrated by clicking the origin button. Next, the two experiments were conducted. The first experiment tested deflection on each metal by varying the mass while keeping the load placed at a constant length. The second experiment tested deflection using a constant mass while varying the distance of load placement from the fixed end of the beam. Table 1 Equipment List Equipment List Apparatus TecQuipment’s Deflection of Beams and Cantilever CalipersMoore & Wright Range: 0-150 mm Precision 0.1 mm Displacement meterMitutoyo Absolute Mitutoyo Corp Model ID- S1012M Serial No. 33631 .5-.0005 (12.7-0.01 mm) Masses (100, 200, 300, 400, 500) g Aluminum Beam Width: 19.9 mm Height: 4.45 mm Steel BeamWidth: 19.89 mm Height: 4.45 mm Procedures Experiment 1: Experiment 1 began with measuring and recording the width and height of each of the beams using a caliper. A beam was then inserted into the clamp fitting of the apparatus and tightened using the hex wrench. The displacement meter was calibrated to zero by pressing the origin button. A length was selected for the mass to be hung from the beam. Starting from the lowest mass (100 g, 200 g, 300 g, 400 g, and 500 g), each mass was hung using the hanger from the selected length. When the hanger and mass  stabilized, the deflection measurement displayed on the meter was recorded. Three trials were conducted for each mass. After the data was recorded, the mass was removed and the meter was recalibrated to zero before hanging the new mass. The experiment was repeated using the second beam. Experiment 2: Experiment 1 setup procedures were repeated for experiment 2. A steel beam was used for this test. For each length (100 mm, 200 mm, 300 mm, 400 mm, and 450 mm), a 200 gram mass was placed on the hanger. Three trials were conducted for each length. When the system was stabilized, the deflection length was recorded. After each trial and test, the deflection meter was recalibrated for accuracy. Results Experiment 1: The following results were acquired and calculated from the data obtained directly from the experiment. Refer to Appendix (figures 11, 12, 13, and MATLAB Full Calculation Script). Below are the properties of the two specimens, aluminum and steel. Table 2 Test Specimen Properties Note: The length for the two beams was held constant for Experiment One. The first experiment required five different masses to be placed at a constant length on the two beams. The deflections were measured for each mass three times. The average and standard deviation were calculated for each mass’s data set using equation 8 and equation 9, respectively. The theoretical deflection was also calculated using equation 1. The tables below describe these relationships. Table 3 Force and Experimental and Theoretical Deflections for the Aluminum Beam Table 4 Force and Experimental and Theoretical Deflections for the Steel Beam In order to determine the experimental structural stiffness, the average experimental deflections for both beams were plotted. The plots also contain the standard deviation of the experimental results and the theoretical values for comparison. Refer to figures 7 and 8. Figure 7 Load vs. Experimental & Theoretical Deflections | Aluminum Figure 8 Load vs. Experimental & Theoretical Deflections | Steel The data was fitted using a linear best-fit line to gather further information about the experimental deflections. Using the inverse of the slope from the linear trend lines of aluminum and steel, experimental stiffness was calculated. The theoretical value of stiffness was also calculated using equation 7. Table 5 represents this data. Table 5 Theoretical and Experimental Structural Difference and Percentage of Error for Both Beams The figure below shows a quick representation of the theoretical and experimental structural stiffness’s for the two specimens. Figure 9 Experimental & Theoretical Structural Stiffness for the Steel and Aluminum Beam Experiment 2: Experiment 2 was conducted using various experimental beam lengths and a constant force. Steel was the only material used. The deflections were measured three times for each length and averaged. The theoretical deflection, theoretical stiffness, average, and standard deviation were calculated for each mass using equations 1, 7, 8, and, 9, respectively. Table 6 represents this data. Table 6 Length3, Experimental and Theoretical Deflections, and Structural Stiffness for the Steel Beam The figure below shows the relationship between length3 and displacement. Figure 10 Length3 vs. Experimental & Theoretical Deflections | Steel Discussion The final results obtained represent the attempt in experimentally determining the hardness value for as received and annealed AISI 1018 steel. The results revealed that the average experimental hardness for the as received steel, 96.6, is much greater than the annealed steel, 64.76, as seen in figure ##. To further strengthen these results, the measurements for both of the specimens maintained a fairly low standard deviation, showing great consistency and accuracy throughout the individual measurements. In addition, since no biased error was continuously repeated, there were no trends associated with the standard deviation, it was simply scattered. The considerable error, 28.9%, between the theoretical and experimental values of stiffness for steel could have been due to bad measurements or due to the fact that the theoretical calculation is highly idealized (see table 5). The error associated with the aluminum beam, however, was much lower, 7.9%, even with larger standard deviations. The following conundrum begs the question that if the theoretical determination for aluminum was accurate, what caused the large amount of error inherent with the steel beam? For any further non-subjective conclusions to be made the experiment for the steel beam would have to be repeated. Nonetheless, Experiment 1 proved effective in determining fairly accurate values for structural stiffness. In addition, it was also concluded that force was linearly proportional to displacement, as shown in figures 7, and 8. Furthermore, for beams with the same dimensions, the ratio of deflections was equivalent to the inverse ratio of the two material’s modulus of elasticity. In other words, deflection is simply proportional to the inverse of the modulus of elasticity. Alternatively, it can be said that the ratio of structural stiffness between the two materials and the ratio of modulus of elasticity’s are directly proportional. The results of Experiment 1 validated these statements by showing that steel deflected much less than aluminum due to it larger value of E and higher value of structural stiffness (see tables 3 & 4). The derived theoretical  equations agree with both of these statements. Experiment 2: Experiment 2 resulted in data being obtained by continuously changing the length, but keeping the mass and therefore the force constant. The results show that if the length of the beam was increased the deflection increased (see table 6). Furthermore, it is easily seen that the quantity length cubed is directly proportional to deflection, as shown in figure 10. Therefore the final conclusion can be made that structural stiffness is directly proportional to the inverse of length cubed (see table 6). Besides these trends, there was one other trend that was noticed. The standard deviation seemed to increase as the length was increased. This must be due to the fact that there is considerable more error associated in measuring deflection with a longer beam, as seen in table 6. Conclusion Overall, both experiments were effective in validating the primary trends within the derived theoretical equations. The experiment also accomplished the goal of experimentally determining the structural stiffness of aluminum and steel beams given a specific geometry. Though the lab was rather repetitive, it proved to be a simple and great way of supporting some of the theories and techniques acquired from the course of solid mechanics. One recommendation for the lab would be to use multiple samples of steel and aluminum in order to ensure that at least one sample is consistent and that you’re not using a sample that has extensively been tested by prior labs. This may ultimately reduce the error associated with the steel beam and the overall accuracy of the experiment.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

An Assessment Of Whole Foods Value Chain. Memorandum Case Study

An Assessment Of Whole Foods Value Chain. Memorandum - Case Study Example It is quite heartening that in such a competitive environment Whole Foods has been able to record revenues of $5,607.4 million during the fiscal year ended September 2006 with an increase of 19.3% over 2005. This has been possible on account of a strong value chain at Whole Foods. The revenue growth forms a core component of the strength of the company. Some of the strengths can be enlisted as; Strong revenue growth: During the previous five years when the market forces became much more competitive credit goes to the management of the company for coming out with impressive revenue figures. As compared to the industry average of 6.2%, during 2002-2006, Whole Foods recorded a revenue growth of 19.8%. Wide range of products: Company's product profile appears equally impressive with natural and organic products like seafood, meat and poultry, bakery, Gift Cards, prepared foods, specialty (beer, wine and cheese), nutritional supplements and vitamins, grocery, body care, books, floral products, pet products and household products. Focused growth strategy: Company's decision to contest1 the decision of Federal Trade Commission (FTC) challenging the merger of Whole Foods Market and Wild Oats, provides a glimpse into the aggressive strategy that the company has adopted over the years. In the year 2006 itself company opened 13 new stores with a view to reaching out to newer customer base. Company has also been successfully pursuing the acquisition strategy to leverage the economies of scale. Dedicated Workforce: The Company could not have written the success story without an active support and cooperation from the dedicated workforce. But there are some weaker areas which need constant attention as well; Lesser presence on the International horizon: Though the company has been able to establish itself firmly in US, its international is still limited to couple of stores in UK and Canada only. Minimal media presence: Today we are living in a media savvy society, therefore having a good presence in media and advertisements provides an edge to a company and its products. But so far Whole Foods has relied more on word-of-mouth publicity and keeps ignoring the strengths and advantages of being in media. For example in 2006 the company spent only 0.4% of total revenues on advertising. Rising rental costs: Whole Foods has been operating with rented space at many places. This forms a major cost component for the company. With rising rental costs and decreasing profit margins, the situation may become alarming if the requisite attention is not paid to the issue. For example, during the fiscal year 2006 itself the company paid approximately $153.1 million as rental expenses. Primary activities in the value chain include (Appendix-1); Inbound logistics: Raw material supplies, knowledge sources, consultancies, supplier management etc. Production: The inbound logistics are put in use to give out a finished product or a full-fledged service component. Outbound logistics: Taking care of distribution network, inspecting the quality of goods and services, planning out marketing and sales strategies etc. Marketing and sales: It forms an important component of the value chain as it is the main interface between the company and the customer. Service: Once the product or service is delivered to the customer, then comes taking a feedback from the customer. This has become very important in order to establish the company's brand equity and customer's loyalty. Futuristic needs are also projected by way of accepting

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Impact of Lupus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Impact of Lupus - Essay Example As Petri puts it, "Instead of fighting infection, the immune system attacks 'self/ the person's normal tissues" (qtd. in Meadows 29). An examination of the causes, symptoms and treatment of lupus helps one to better understand the physiological impact the disease has, while a look at families coping with lupus and certain other symptoms illuminate the psychological aspects. Researchers have attempted to combat lupus by pinning down its origin or causal factors but thus far they have been largely unsuccessful. There are many factors that appear to be closely associated with lupus, and a combination of these factors may be responsible for its origin. Experts believe that it develops from complicated genetic and environmental factors. The fact that it is mainly the women who contract this disease and that it is more prevalent in certain races (Asians, Hispanics, and African - Americans) point to genetic determinants. Moreover there is some evidence that it runs in families. Environmental factors, such as prolonged exposure to sunlight are believed to trigger dormant symptoms. There have also been reported cases of drug - induced lupus, where drugs like hydralazine, procainamide, sulphasalazine, minocycline, may aggravate symptoms or cause similar symptoms in otherwise healthy individuals (Hughes 100). Lupus is a complex illness that may focus its atta... The range of severity also varies. Severe forms of the disease are easier to identify than milder forms. Because of the disconcerting array of symptoms, that may not exclusively suggest lupus, physicians are more likely to make the diagnosis when the disease is well advanced. This results in an unfavorable prognosis for the patient. Skin rashes, weakness, and general fatigue, muscular pain, sudden loss of hair, ulcers, and inflammation of membranes surrounding internal organs are believed to be the most common symptoms. Patients may also show a history of miscarriages and migraine attacks. Lahita and Phillips describe Raynaud's phenomenon as a characteristic syndrome, where "the toes and the fingers turn red, white, and blue because spasms in their small arteries stop the blood flow" (81). Another reportedly common symptom is the malar rash, which spreads across the cheek in the shape of a butterfly. Stress, depression, and psychosis have also been reported as likely psychological sy mptoms. Treatment of Lupus Since there is no cure for lupus, treatment focuses on containing or controlling the illness. The symptoms are treated and with time it is hoped that the ill effects will recede never to come back. As the symptoms are so varied, treatment programs are devised in keeping with the particular needs of the individual. Appropriate medications as well as lifestyle changes are advocated. Medications are the preferred mode of treatment for severe cases. The drugs used in the treatment program include, Non - steroidal anti - inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), Antimalarials, Steroids, and Immunosuppressives (Hughes 35). The use of these drugs causes side - effects, which in some cases are worse than the disease itself and endanger the long - term health of the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Development of Research Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of Research Questions - Essay Example The NCU Proposal and Dissertation Review Form (DRF) serves as a source reference for additional information regarding purpose statement requirements and appropriate documentation. The method of choice represents a combination of both quantitative research questions and hypotheses, which study the relationship between different variables that the researcher seeks to know, and qualitative research questions, where inquirers state research questions - not objectives or hypotheses. Various sources used in this paper, including different published research materials and Internet articles. In order to successfully carry out the research study on the proposed thesis, specific questions should be established to be researched in order for hypotheses to be tested. Thus, created signposts act as guidance and assist the research. Based on nature of this study, which sets out to research different challenges and presented opportunities that international students experience while taking accounting courses at U.S colleges, there is a strong need for using the mixed methods research and hypotheses. According to Creswell (2009), â€Å"a strong mixed methods study should start with mixed methods research questions, to shape the methods and the overall design of a study†. This method of choice represents a combination of both quantitative research questions and hypotheses, which study the relationship among different variables that the researcher seeks to know, and qualitative research questions, where the inquirer states research questions, not objectives or hypotheses. Provided is a progress development of a two-phase research study with the separate quantitative and qualitative research hypotheses and questions stated in sections introducing each phase. This research will not utilize separate, distinct mixed methods research questions, but rather will use a step-by-step approach. This research study will be conducted on-site of several

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

What would you consider to be purchasings added value to company What Essay

What would you consider to be purchasings added value to company What would you consider to be purchasings core and non-core activities - Essay Example review the strategic frameworks of values added by purchasing in order to somehow provide a conceptual paradigm of factors influencing value added by the purchasing professionals. When companies spot out the considerable percentage of their budget affected by the outcomes of purchasing, the significant prospective benefits from putting into effect purchasing management, and the reality that purchasing management processes and outcomes utilize and affect the entire company, they frequently start to change their perspective of the purchasing role from that of a strategic support group to a tactical potential. The initial step companies frequently adopt toward a value-added approach to purchasing management activities is to set up quantifiable, corporate-wide purchasing management objectives that head straightforwardly to high-level corporate objectives. These objectives may emerge from benchmarking practices, internal audit, or evaluations carried out by an external consultant (Leftwich 2004). The metrics applied to monitor progress toward achieving these value-added purchasing management objectives are outcome-based, such as â€Å"total cost reduction, supplier quality improvements, or number of preferred suppliers rather than function-, process-, or tool-based metrics† (Leftwich 2004, 112) that are entirely inherent to the purchasing responsibility, such as the quantity of agreements and/or purchase orders processed annually or quantity of electronic orders. Nevertheless, only setting up objectives and determining parallel metrics alone is insufficient to jumpstart the shift to a strategic or value-based paradigm to purchasing management. The companies that have been most effective and successful in putting into effect paramount purchasing management practices also allocate tasks and liabilities for achieving the purchasing management goals, starting with high-level corporate purchasing management stakeholders (Lewis 1993). As a final step toward implementing

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Go to and write 200 words on each of FOUR of these Essay

Go to and write 200 words on each of FOUR of these different sites - Essay Example The site explains the procedure to analyze these frequency overlays in a tutorial and provides a detailed database for Kepler findings of exoplanets. The site also provides a detailed account of interference patterns and how they can be identified. Furthermore, weak signals can be identified and put up for more investigation. The experiment involves public for analyzing of this data instead of a computer. These patterns are fun to find and latest projects are always available to look at. Live observations from the Allen Telescope Array are provided as well which makes this experiment extremely interesting for the public. I had fun to read about the procedures and the site gave me some insight into how the signals are analyzed and consequently, processed. The site provides interesting opportunities for us to take part in the hunt for radio signals from exoplanets. 2. Galaxy Zoo Galaxy Zoo simply requires identification of galaxies by participants. The project was launched in 2007 and has changed over time. The team has changed data collection methods over time, however, for the participants the calculations are not necessary and the data is processed separately by the team. The project is very simple as it only involves identifying the shapes of the galaxies. Images are provided by Hubble Space Telescope and Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We need to systematically classify and help the team in identifying galaxies as one of the categories; that is elliptical, spiral, merging or star. The project is very simple and the site presents pictures of galaxies in an interactive player. The design is very intuitive and it guides a participant in few easy steps. These steps involve identifying with shapes and provide some choices to best suit our opinion about the galaxy. The images are of distant galaxies and are at times fuzzy. It is hard to clearly distinguish galaxies, though; some concentration is required to keenly observe the pictures. The best part about the project is the easy connection to discuss the image by others in a detailed forum. Participants can also write about their special observations if any related to the picture that needs special consideration from professionals. Overall, the site provides an interesting experience to look into the shapes and classifications of galaxies and help the team identifying vast database of about 900,000 galaxies. No special knowledge or training is required and it is fairly simple to participate in the project. 3. Planet Hunters The site presents interesting opportunities to participate in analyzing data from Kepler Mission. Kepler measures light from stars precisely and this measurement is presented in the shape of an interactive graph taken over time. A simple tutorial teaches how to analyze these graphs. The light from the star dips when a planet transits in front of the star, therefore, reducing measured brightness by Kepler. These transits can be identified as dips in the graphs as the graph prese nts brightness measured from the star. The graphs are presented in an interactive player with choices for identification in a systematic manner. The data at times has noise and the measurements are occasionally very confusing. Multiple dips can be identified at times; however, some classifications are straight forward with very little noise

Monday, September 23, 2019

Substantive Law Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Substantive Law - Movie Review Example This paper intends to analyze from the substantive law point of view of the unfolding events within the movie â€Å"The Accused† as written by Tom Topper in 1988 (Ebert para 1-10). The movie is a description of unfortunate happenings that involve Sarah Tobias who is the accused of luring herself into the unfortunate rape ordeal and who is accused of the same. Moreover, in a rather twisty way, the case moves from her accusation and she becomes the accuser in trying to seek justice for her own misfortune. The movie therefore depicts that rape victims would stand to be accused in causing it to happen. The drunkards in the bar where she goes and drinks uncontrollably, shows the substantive sides of the legal movie through the abuse of Tobias rights. The drunkard men blamed the accused for first over-drunkard-ness after which she engaged in provocative dance, which leads to her rape. Under the substantive law provisions, the public (represented by the people who were drinking withi n the bar at the time of the happening) had the right to disciplined dance by the accused, which was not observed when the accused engaged in dancing provocatively. On the other hand, the accused had the right to personal security as against the assault through rape and jeering by the drunkards in the bar. ... Moreover, while drunk, the accused disrupts the peace of the customers who were enjoying themselves in the bar through indecent dances, which provoked the men to rape her. This was therefore offensive and the accused would be rightfully accused under the criminal law of engaging in risky behavior in the public. On her side as the defendant, Sarah would argue that she was entitled to taking alcohol in the bar just as any other adult person was. She would justify her dance with the fact that though she was drunk, she was allowed by the law to dance and as such, she was not responsible for any possible offence she would cause the other people through her dance. She was therefore not rightfully being accused for being the cause to her rape but rather, the rapists should have been accused for physically assaulting her and emotionally hurting her through the chanting and the jeers, which encouraged her perpetrators to continue with harassing her. On the other side of the case was the accus ed accusing the rapists of causing physical and emotional harm to her through the rape as well as the jeers and the chants. With the plaintiff deciding to lower the charges against the accused in the cases for â€Å"aggravated assault,† the complainant feels rather assaulted in that the case involved had the magnitude of brutal rape in front of other people. The court under the substantive law framework had the responsibility to treat the case with the seriousness of such a crime against the complainant’s rights and freedoms. The complainant’s argument was therefore that though she as a woman who acted indecently in the bar had the right to say no to the atrocities and be heard which was not

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Do We Now Live in a More Equal World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Do We Now Live in a More Equal World - Essay Example By the end of the twentieth century, the phenomenon of global income inequality was seen to be greater than it was ever before. Global inequality has two distinct dimensions. These are the inequalities that exist between countries and the inequalities that exist within the countries. Not everyone in the developed nations, like the United States, is known to be rich and similarly not everybody in a poor country is poor. It is necessary to take these two measures together. The world was divided into three categories by the World Bank going by their income levels - low income country, middle income country and high income country (Peet & Hartwick, 1999, p.6). Global inequality affects the living condition of the poor countries. Economic growth can affect not only the GDP and GNP of a nation but its overall heath and living conditions too (Wermuth, 2003, p.22). But before framing any conclusion, it is important for the analysts to differentiate between inequality and poverty in these cou ntries. To measure poverty, it is essential to have a poverty line which is usually set at a higher level in richer countries. As for the poorer nations, there is little income gradient in the poverty line (Ravallion, 2003, p.745). Similarly, to measure the economic indicators like GDP and GNP that help to estimate global inequality, we also need some measurement tools. GDP is measured by the production output units like bushels of wheat etc. The exchange rate mechanism is used to measure the national income or GNP (Firebaugh, 2006, pp.34-35). One of the many reasons why global inequality or world inequality is so prevalent today is the extent up to which the income and the wealth of the countries is distributed in a very uneven manner among the world's population. There is little doubt among the researchers that this income inequality that is seen both within and between the nations has been on a rise since the mid-twentieth century. It has been reported by the World Bank that the increasing gap between the rich and the poor countries over the past forty years has accounted for much of the increase in the worldwide income inequality amongst individuals and other households. Inequality patterns and consequences Globalization is divided into three patterns. These are unweighted global inequality, weighted global inequality and global inequality (Held & Kaya, 2004, p.3). In the first pattern, the mean of the country GDP across several countries are considered and population size is not taken here. The second pattern is also the same except that it takes population size into consideration. Global inequality measures difference between individuals of the world. These include intra country and inter country inequality. In 1960, the per capita GDP in the most of the richest twenty countries was found to be eighteen times than that in the poorest twenty countries. By 1995, the same gap had widened to almost thirty-seven times (World Development Report 2001). This sho ws that there has been a huge increase in polarization between the nations overtime (Bata,Bergesen, 2010, p.9). According to a survey, the top richest countries in the world in 2007 were Qatar, UAE, the USA, Hong Kong, Switzerland etc and the poorest countries were Democratic Republic of Congo, Liberia, Central African Republic, Mozambique etc (The UNICEF social and economic paper, 2011, p.19). There have been many sociological

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Detroit Electric Essay Example for Free

Detroit Electric Essay 1. What organizational structure do you believe is being used to produce Detroit Electric vehicles? Detroit Electric concentrates theirs efforts on research and development of the motor, vehicle design, marketing and distribution. The company does not produce cars; the actual manufacturing of cars is outsourced. From the case I conclude that technology design is the core business of Detroit Electric. Technology changes rapidly and therefore Detroit Electric has to be flexible in conditions of change and uncertainty. Technical excellence and efficient use of resources is the key to compete and to avoid wastage as the cost of RD is high. Based upon the above observation, I believe that the organizational structure used is the matrix model. 2. How has differing organizational structures influenced the pace of development between these two companies? Ford and Detroit Electric are both car companies. The major difference is that Ford manufactures cars whereas Detroit Electric does not. Ford’s organizational structure will most likely resemble other manufacturers’ structure, i. e. functional departmentalization. A major disadvantage of this structure is that because specialists are working with and encouraging each other in their areas of expertise and interest, organizational goals may be sacrificed in favor of departmental goals; hence, the inability to coordinate efforts amongst competing department to achieve the goal of producing electric vehicles. Detroit Electric’s matrix structure on the other hand gives the organization the flexibility to respond to challenges faster in conditions of change and uncertainty; hence their relative pace (fast)in developing electric cars. 3. What issues may arise from this cooperative arrangement of international companies? The first issue is control. How does Detroit Electric ensure that their exact specifications are followed by their licensees? Regular audits will have to be conducted and these audits are costly. Who will bear responsibility if problems arise (faulty products) due to failure of any of its licensees do not follow procedures? The second issue is differences in objectives. For example, Detroit Electric’s performance and quality standards objectives may differ from their licensees.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Renaissance and Baroque Eras: Art Comparison

Renaissance and Baroque Eras: Art Comparison Comparing the Eras of the Renaissance and Baroque Since the beginning of time Art has been used as a form of expression. With each historical art era came new advances and techniques. Each era was influenced by the unique characteristics, style and social conditions of its time. Although each era bought forth new forms and unique styles of art many historical art periods were influenced by an earlier period of history. The following essay will describe and explain the characteristics, style and influences of the Renaissance and Baroque eras as individual periods. It will also analyze painting from each period and explain the similarities and differences of both paintings; it will also discuss the relationship between the two eras. A look at the Renaissance The Renaissance era is known as the period of transition into modern day. The term Renaissance originated from the French language meaning rebirth, which precisely describes the period of the Renaissance. The Renaissance began in Italy and quickly spread across Europe between the 14th and 17th century. During this period Europe experienced large social, intellectual and economic changes. Europes ability to surface from the stagnated economy of the Middle Age had large effects on the period. Possibly the most significant and popular advancements made were in the cultural, social and political institutions. The progression into Individualism during the Renaissance made way for major advancements. This progression removed the traditional values of the Church and allowed individuals the freedom to explore the human mind, body and their surroundings. The issue of religion had a significant effect on the Renaissance era. With the Catholic Church tangled up in controversy over power, corrup tion, simony, nepotism and the Popes fathering of illegitimate children, many followers turned away from the Church and embraced a new reformed version of their beliefs causing a decrease power level for the Church. The increase of literacy also affected the Catholic Church, as believers learned more they realized that the Church was preaching only what they favored to the followers. Possibly the most significant religious event during the Renaissance history, was the Protestant Reformation, which was founded by Martin Luther in Germany. The new found views towards religion had major effects on society and their way of thought. Freedom from the Church allowed individuals to explore freely which resulted in a completely new way of life in all fields. (The Renaissance,n.d.) The Renaissance era allowed art to develop and mature far beyond the traditional and conventional religious subject matter to replicate human emotion and realism in art. While religion remained the main influence during the renaissance the origination and recognition of human form, expression and scientific study became very active influences in the arts. Painting and sculpting techniques developed greatly during the Renaissance. Artists began using new techniques such as linear perspective, laws of portion, balance and physical presence. The key distinctiveness that characterized Renaissance art includes an adoration and praise of the human figure and nature, realistic linear perspective and prominence on the association of light and shadow. Most of the best known artists and masterpieces were produced during the Renaissance period. During the Renaissance era famous artists such as Masaccio, Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo da Vinci created unique and untraditional techniques neve r used before. (The Renaissance,n.d.) A look at the Baroque period The term Baroque originates from the Portuguese language meaning irregular pearl. The era was dubbed the name to imply strangeness and irregularity. The baroque style began roughly at the end of the 16th century and lasted until the mid 17th century. The Baroque style first developed out of the Catholic spectacle and poise associated with the Counter-Reformation. Later, as the technique expanded north, it quickly became famous at royal courts, where it represented the rising rule of the new monarchies. The religious differences which begun during the Renaissance with the Reformation and Counter Reformation continue well into the 17th century. The religious conflict among the two groups influenced art greatly in this era. As a result of the Catholic Churchs Counter-Reformation, amazing churches were built, decorated and furnished to the extreme. Consequently, the demand for unique extraordinary religious themed artwork was great. As the economy flourished many European capitals began to raise, therefore the increase for architecture and decoration was high. (Guisepi, n.d.) Art during the Baroque period produced a sensation of progression, dynamic and apprehension. The technique of powerfully using distinction of light and shadow and a never-ending quantity of space is famous during this era. The presence of passionate spirituality and realism were also vastly utilized. Artists were famous for showing an individuals personalities, passion, emotions and thought merely through their facial expressions. Baroque art was a form of exaggerated Renaissance style art. Baroque painters utilized the fundaments of art distinctively from prior eras. In paintings lines were typically smooth and gentle; the color scheme consisted mainly of a single tone. The difference between shade and little was an essential technique. Time was particularly important to painters during the Baroque era. Artists viewed time as an assessable object. They believed time fades lies away leaving truth and justifies good over evil. The use of time would be a recurring theme throughout the Baroque era. Similar to the Renaissance, the Baroque artists ornamented the interior of grand buildings such as chapels and palaces. Along with art, the Baroque style surpassed the modern form of sculpture. Baroque sculptures were full of uniqueness, expression, and action. The sculptures of this period also expressed a passionate emotional bliss and creativity. (Guisepi, n.d.) Analysis Both the Renaissance and the Baroque eras created several of the most famous artistic works produced in the Western world. While the two eras illustrate distinctive distinction in work style and theme, nonetheless they reveal many characteristics in common. To better understand the similarities of the eras a comparison of two works of art from the two different periods is helpful. The two paintings that will be analyzed and compared are Leonard da Vincis Mona Lisa and Peter Paul Rubens The Straw Hat. Analysis of the Mona Lisa The woman portrayed in the Mona Lisa painting is known as La Gioconda or the Smiling One. The structure of the Mona Lisa forms a pyramid shape, her folded arms and hands serving as the bottom base, her shoulders and arms forming the sides and her head as the peak all connecting to form a pyramid. The support on which her left arm lays is hardly noticeable, extending to a vanishing armrest. Leonard da Vincis keen Renaissance period infatuation with features and detail is enthusiastically obvious in the painting. The smallest details such as the creases in her gown, the superior use of detail of the background, and the structure of her hair are accurately and thoroughly painted. The painting looks as though it was submersed in a smoky haze which was created by da Vincis expert ability to gradual blend one area of color into another without a sharp outline. This technique allows the viewer to recognize the shadows and light of both the image and background. The paintings lighting is sub missive, however extremely natural. The use of natural and realistic highlighting and shadowing characterize the shape, features and expression of Mona Lisa. Unlike her face, her dark tone clothing easily blends into the softly lit setting behind her, merging the work of art in the classical Renaissance manner. Regardless of the proficiently blended colors, the features of the scenery behind Mona Lisa are obviously noticeable, another distinctive technique of the Renaissance. The utilization of linear perspective is delicately understated due to the absents of individually positioned lines, but nonetheless are still present and noticeable, as the observer stares back into the scenery the vanishing point can easily be located behind the head of the figure. The stream flowing behind her, the distant mountains, the path and canal near the center of the painting are distinctive features of the painting regardless of the haze and create addition interest to the entire painting. ( da Vinc i, 1605) Analysis of The Straw Hat The subject of Peter Paul Rubens The Straw Hat is Susanna Fourment. In the painting Fourments stand is positioned to formed a pyramid structure. Resembling the structure of the Mona Lisa her folded arms also serve as a base, her shoulders and arms as the sides and her head as the peak all corresponding to form a pyramid like shape. The hat on her head is placed casually with a minor slant, which creates a line that cuts the peak of the pyramid. Her flared skirt which is slightly noticeably under her folded arms creates the sense of a second, shorter pyramid that is concealed under the first. In his painting, Rubens demonstrates the classic Baroque freestyle brushstrokes. This technique is noticeably observed in the features of Fouments dress and hat. Her laced cuff and the feathers in her hat are visibly identifiable; however their finer details are buried by the graceful flowing brushstrokes, which is a typical technique of the Baroque era. Rubens employed the classic Baroque method of strongly contrasting shadows and lights to highlight and focus on features in his painting. To create a naturalistic light in the painting the lighting was focus directly on Fourment. Rubens use of strong bold colors for Fourments clothes along with the contrast of color and texture among fabric and skin allow her to stand out and clearly portray her as the focal point of the painting. The backdrop of this painting is merely a mistily illustrated group of clouds with a hint of blue sky scarcely peeping through. As a result, the background of The Straw Hat painting is utterly inferior to the focal point of the piece. Without distinctive images in the backdrop to supply an allusion point, the use of linear perspective is unseen. ( Rubens, 1625) Similarities in both paintings Both artists treat the similar themed topic according to the technique of their particular periods. Both paintings illustrate a young lady in nearly identical poses, both bodies are positioned at a 75 degree angle with the head somewhat turned back in the direction of the observer. Both women have their hands carefully positioned under the bust in front of them. Both woman gaze towards the right of the viewer neither one stares directly towards the viewer. Both women display a slight content grin on their faces. Another similarity among the paintings is observed in the background of both painting. Both paintings create mysterious and foggy sceneries behind the woman. In addition Rubens composition resembles the Mona Lisa so much that many questioned if Ruben intentionally setup his painting that way. Differences of the paintings In the Mona Lisa painting da Vinci uses precise and magnificent technique in the details of the background; the eras passion for details is enthusiastically noticeable. On the other hand, the background of The Straw Hat demands no attention. During the Baroque era artist primarily focused on the main subject matter. Another difference in the paintings is the use of linear perspective, in the Mona Lisa da Vinici creates a clear vanishing point in the background of his painting, unlike Rubenss painting were he pays no attention to the background scenery and only focuses on the main subject. Another distinction in the paintings is the color scheme, in the Mona Lisa deep dark colors are blended smoothly with the background and the sfumato technique is used perfectly to bring focus to the details of both the image and background, in The Straw Hat bold daring color tones are used to make the image stand out, also instead of the sfumato technique Rubens uses the traditional Baroque techniqu e of combining strongly differing lights and shadows to focus on and emphasize the features in his painting. Relationship and connection of both historical eras Although both eras are unique in different respects, yet the eras share similarities and also continuing relationship. The Baroque era is said to have been generated at the end of the Renaissance era, which progressed to a dramatic, illuminate, energetic sophisticated form of art. The techniques of the Baroque art era united the sophisticated techniques and magnificent advances of the Renaissance along with the emotion, intensity and drama of the high Renaissance with the Baroque style of mixing the basic fundaments of the naturalist and classicist manners that are characterized by magnificence, energy and emotional enthusiasm. Many art scholars consider the Baroque style a representation and continuation of the Renaissance era. Similar characteristics of both eras include the use of light and color, focus on realism and idealism, strong perspective effects, religious themes and nude portraits. ( Myers, n.d.) To conclude the Renaissance and Baroque eras generated several of the most celebrated artist as well as masterpieces of all time. Although both eras share many similarities each era has its own unique characteristics and is unique in its own way.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Stopping the Practice of Female Genital Cutting Essays -- Ethics, Cult

Female genital mutilation is a practice deeply enmeshed in the cultural beliefs of many Africans and select groups around the world. Also, just like any other culture, they will cling even more strongly to their ancient traditions when their beliefs are challenged by people from an outside culture. When someone from another country comes to a tribe to essentially tell them that one of their most basic traditions is wrong, problems usually ensue. This is mainly because, in an African’s point of view, the outsider does not understand the tribe’s beliefs and so has no valid privilege to tell the tribe what they should or should not do. In this way, even if there are a select few men and women that support the foreigner’s view, they run the risk of ridicule or even banishment from their fellow peers and will not step forth to condemn their ages-old practice. To further explain the gravity of this situation, one must understand that in many villages if a woman is not cut, then she is, in the words of Rogaia Abusharaf, â€Å"generally assumed to be promiscuous, a man-chaser.† In other words, â€Å"genital cutting is considered an essential aspect of a woman’s identity.† Thus, decreasing the prevalence of cutting is a very intricate process that involves a deep change in a culture’s social beliefs. I agree with Abusharaf when she states â€Å"without a deep commitment from within these cultures to end the cutting, eradication efforts imposed from the outside are bound to fail† (Abusharaf). Now, the question is how to first initiate these changes within a culture that practice female cutting as easily as breathing. Cutting is not something they openly discuss amongst themselves, but is essentially regarded as a necessary tradition. It is the norm in t... ...understand that death or later sickness a woman can catch is most likely from the procedure. Together, we can help the movement to end FGM and soon no woman or child will have to undergo the unnecessary torture and humiliation from the procedure. Works Cited Abusharaf, Rogaia Mustafa. â€Å"Unmasking Tradition.† Sciences. 38. 2(1998):22. eLibrary. Web. 11 Oct. 2011. Ben-Ari, Nirit. "Changing Traditions to Safeguard Women."Africa Recovery. Africa Recovery, May 2003. Web. 4 Dec 2011. â€Å"Female Genital Mutilation-A Guide to Laws Policies Worldwide [Part 2 of 20].† Contemporary Women’s Issues Database. 01 Jan. 2000: 1+. eLibrary. Web. 11 Oct. 2011. Rosenberg, Tina. "Editorial Observer; Mutilating Africa's Daughters: Laws Unenforced, Practices Unchanged."  The New York Times. The New York Times, 05 Jul 2004. Web. 4 Dec 2011.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Consumerism Essay -- consumer movement

In the fourth era of the consumer movement, the key marketplace features include concern for the environment, increasingly complex technology, a diverse market, and a global market. Concern for the environment has manifested itself in a number of different ways. One example is the Exxon Valdez oil spill, which caused many consumers to become disappointed in Exxon. Exxon has had to work at improving its environmental image after this accident, and there are still individuals who will not buy gas at Exxon as a result of Exxon’s handling of this situation. There has been a trend in the past ten years or so to protect the environment and to also buy products that are more natural and environmentally sound. In our era, Fresh Fields, a supermarket that has sells organic and more natural products, has prospered because of consumers’ interests in buying food that is not contaminated by pesticides, chemicals, and other non-natural ingredients. Interestingly enough, a news report last week on TV indicated that organic produce, which is more expensive than regular produce, may actually be more dangerous to consume because it is fertilized with manure that contains E. Coli bacteria. There may be a consumer backlash against organic products if they are shown to pose a danger to the consumer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Complex technology, has also been a key marketplace feature of the fourth era of the consumer movement. Through the Internet, it is possible to buy even the most obscure goods and services, often at prices which are significantly less expensive than at a retail establishment. However, the Internet also presents serious risks to the consumer. The Clinton administration recently announced that it is proposing legislation that will address the illegal sale of drugs via the Internet. It is now possible to purchase prescription drugs though Internet companies, by placing the orders online. However, this practice is not sufficiently regulated, and consumers may be getting medicines that would ordinarily require close supervision by a personal physician, without having adequate medical supervision when they buy through the Internet. It is very easy to do an Internet search for Internet drug companies, some of which are located overseas (especially in Asia, Mexico and Europe), and find companies which sell Viagra, Xenical, Propec... ...r safeguards to protect the interests of the consumer. The FDA, for example, did not exist at the turn of the 19th Century. There were no regulations or laws to protect the environment. People were generally at the mercy of businesses, large and small, that could make claims about their products and services even if these claims were misleading or untrue. The activism in the beginning of the consumer movement was revolutionary, because this activism introduced and established the idea that consumers have rights and must be treated justly by business. Consumer activism is no longer a revolutionary idea, but it is more prevalent than it was fifty years ago. Consumer activism, in this day and age, actually is ubiquitous. Now, we think of consumer activism as a normal part of business. We buy Consumer Reports, check the Internet to compare products and prices, and engage in political activism for the purpose of preserving consumer rights. Moreover, businesses have become much more se nsitive to the needs and wants of consumers. Consumer reaction has a great impact on the way that companies operate today, and business have learned that consumers wield great power in today’s marketplace. Consumerism Essay -- consumer movement In the fourth era of the consumer movement, the key marketplace features include concern for the environment, increasingly complex technology, a diverse market, and a global market. Concern for the environment has manifested itself in a number of different ways. One example is the Exxon Valdez oil spill, which caused many consumers to become disappointed in Exxon. Exxon has had to work at improving its environmental image after this accident, and there are still individuals who will not buy gas at Exxon as a result of Exxon’s handling of this situation. There has been a trend in the past ten years or so to protect the environment and to also buy products that are more natural and environmentally sound. In our era, Fresh Fields, a supermarket that has sells organic and more natural products, has prospered because of consumers’ interests in buying food that is not contaminated by pesticides, chemicals, and other non-natural ingredients. Interestingly enough, a news report last week on TV indicated that organic produce, which is more expensive than regular produce, may actually be more dangerous to consume because it is fertilized with manure that contains E. Coli bacteria. There may be a consumer backlash against organic products if they are shown to pose a danger to the consumer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Complex technology, has also been a key marketplace feature of the fourth era of the consumer movement. Through the Internet, it is possible to buy even the most obscure goods and services, often at prices which are significantly less expensive than at a retail establishment. However, the Internet also presents serious risks to the consumer. The Clinton administration recently announced that it is proposing legislation that will address the illegal sale of drugs via the Internet. It is now possible to purchase prescription drugs though Internet companies, by placing the orders online. However, this practice is not sufficiently regulated, and consumers may be getting medicines that would ordinarily require close supervision by a personal physician, without having adequate medical supervision when they buy through the Internet. It is very easy to do an Internet search for Internet drug companies, some of which are located overseas (especially in Asia, Mexico and Europe), and find companies which sell Viagra, Xenical, Propec... ...r safeguards to protect the interests of the consumer. The FDA, for example, did not exist at the turn of the 19th Century. There were no regulations or laws to protect the environment. People were generally at the mercy of businesses, large and small, that could make claims about their products and services even if these claims were misleading or untrue. The activism in the beginning of the consumer movement was revolutionary, because this activism introduced and established the idea that consumers have rights and must be treated justly by business. Consumer activism is no longer a revolutionary idea, but it is more prevalent than it was fifty years ago. Consumer activism, in this day and age, actually is ubiquitous. Now, we think of consumer activism as a normal part of business. We buy Consumer Reports, check the Internet to compare products and prices, and engage in political activism for the purpose of preserving consumer rights. Moreover, businesses have become much more se nsitive to the needs and wants of consumers. Consumer reaction has a great impact on the way that companies operate today, and business have learned that consumers wield great power in today’s marketplace.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Speech Community :: essays research papers

Speech Community Contribution There is an infinite amount of chat rooms available on the internet and each one can be defined as its own speech community. I have chosen to analyze a chat room that is devoted to the hit Fox reality show, American Idol. The transcript used was from a chat session that occurred at 10:00 PM on March 27, 2005. This online chat room seemed to be the source of a continuous flow of opinionated statements regarding the television show. Due to the anonymity of the internet, members of the many speech communities within are uneasily identified. Members tend to rely solely on â€Å"screen names† for identification purposes. With names such as TanBear251 and MegaBob12, most statistical information regarding the identity of participants is limited. The context and purpose of the chat room, however, allow for various limited conclusions to be drawn. For the American Idol chat room, it can be assumed that participants include people who watch the television show regularly. These people are likely to statistically fall into the show’s target audience in regards to age and income, among other factors. The target audience of American Idol consists of middle to upper-middle class viewers between the ages of 20 and 45 years of age. No physical location can truly be defined for this speech event. One participant may reside in Houston, Texas, while another may live in Puerto Rico. Due to the time of day, a casual setting can be assumed since it is likely that most participants are located within their own homes. Participation is fully voluntary and in most cases is for enjoyment purposes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For this chat room in particular, knowledge truly is power. The status of a participant grows with their expertise on a subject of discussion. The chat room â€Å"regulars† seem to hold a higher status that those who are entering for the first time. This is seen with the amount of posted messages a person makes. Those who regularly participate in the chat room from day to day dominate the discussion while newcomers tend to sit back and watch. In order to gain inclusion in a discussion, one must prove themselves as knowledgeable about the subject at hand.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Some of the barriers that coexist with chat room communication include a limited ability to show emotion as well as a tedious typing requirement. To address these issues, many new abbreviated expressions have been introduced.

Monday, September 16, 2019

How Does Text Messaging Effect Students?

The Effects of Text Messaging on English Grammar By Lisa Russell, eHow Contributor  , last updated February 15, 2013 * * * * Print this article The Effects of Text Messaging on English Grammar Debate rages among educators about the effects of text messaging on English grammar. According to an unscientific poll conducted by Edutopia. org, 50% of the 1028 respondents felt texting is harming students' writing and grammar.In the same poll 20% thought that text messaging may have some impact's student's writing but they do not think it is a major problem; 27% felt texting was not a negative influence. Other People Are Reading * How Does Text Messaging Affect the Ability to Write ; Speak in English? * Why Does Texting Affect Grammar? 1. Negative Effects * Educators weighed in on Edutopia. org about how text messaging has effected student's writing abilities: â€Å"I teach 9th and 11th grade English and regardless of the age, my students' spelling is atrocious.Texting does not and has no t helped. † Some teachers believe the abbreviations used in text messaging are assaulting written English. Middle and high school teachers report that papers are being written using poor punctuation, bad grammar and inappropriate abbreviations. Students sometimes do not realize they are using text lingo in their academic writing. 2. Positive Effects * Some educators feel that anytime you can get students to write, it is positive. Students are writing more than ever before because of texting, instant messaging and online communications.Educational researchers discovered that students are writing more and revising more. The assumption that text messaging is just writing anything, but students must edit to fashion messages into a few precise words. There are teachable moments involved with texting; teachers can use it to teach about the evolution of language from Shakespearean English to Internet English. * No Effect * A third view about the effects of text messaging on English g rammar is that there is no effect.Text messaging may be considered another language; learning a new language does not affect a student's ability to use English grammar. The same can be said of slang words on English grammar. Each generation has its own jargon and English grammar has not been changed. Students need to learn the basics in English class to know the difference between slang, texting lingo and correct English. Sponsor Read more:  The Effects of Text Messaging on English Grammar | eHow. com  http://www. ehow. com/list_5828172_effects-text-messaging-english-grammar. html#ixzz2OfFFiEIz How Does Text Messaging Effect Students? The Effects of Text Messaging on English Grammar By Lisa Russell, eHow Contributor  , last updated February 15, 2013 * * * * Print this article The Effects of Text Messaging on English Grammar Debate rages among educators about the effects of text messaging on English grammar. According to an unscientific poll conducted by Edutopia. org, 50% of the 1028 respondents felt texting is harming students' writing and grammar.In the same poll 20% thought that text messaging may have some impact's student's writing but they do not think it is a major problem; 27% felt texting was not a negative influence. Other People Are Reading * How Does Text Messaging Affect the Ability to Write ; Speak in English? * Why Does Texting Affect Grammar? 1. Negative Effects * Educators weighed in on Edutopia. org about how text messaging has effected student's writing abilities: â€Å"I teach 9th and 11th grade English and regardless of the age, my students' spelling is atrocious.Texting does not and has no t helped. † Some teachers believe the abbreviations used in text messaging are assaulting written English. Middle and high school teachers report that papers are being written using poor punctuation, bad grammar and inappropriate abbreviations. Students sometimes do not realize they are using text lingo in their academic writing. 2. Positive Effects * Some educators feel that anytime you can get students to write, it is positive. Students are writing more than ever before because of texting, instant messaging and online communications.Educational researchers discovered that students are writing more and revising more. The assumption that text messaging is just writing anything, but students must edit to fashion messages into a few precise words. There are teachable moments involved with texting; teachers can use it to teach about the evolution of language from Shakespearean English to Internet English. * No Effect * A third view about the effects of text messaging on English g rammar is that there is no effect.Text messaging may be considered another language; learning a new language does not affect a student's ability to use English grammar. The same can be said of slang words on English grammar. Each generation has its own jargon and English grammar has not been changed. Students need to learn the basics in English class to know the difference between slang, texting lingo and correct English. Sponsor Read more:  The Effects of Text Messaging on English Grammar | eHow. com  http://www. ehow. com/list_5828172_effects-text-messaging-english-grammar. html#ixzz2OfFFiEIz

Cost and Revenue Function

Algebra I Cost-Revenue Business Project This project is designed for you to demonstrate your understanding of systems of linear equations. Before starting, read the entire project outline and requirements. During this project you are to do the following: 1) Pair up with a partner and create a business that sells one commodity of your choice (points for creativity). 2) Create a Market Research Survey that will be used to survey 50 students to help you discover what potential customers are looking for in the product your group will create and sell.The survey must include a minimum of three questions. 3) Conduct the survey. 4) Create a list of fixed costs – items and prices. Consider items such as a store, equipment, furniture, advertisement, etc. Use the survey results to revise the fixed cost list if needed. Include the total fixed cost. 5) Create a list of variable costs. With each variable cost include the dollar figure calculated per unit. Once again, use the survey results to revise the variable costs list if needed.Sate the total variable cost. 6) Using the survey results and the total variable cost determine the product price. 7) Write the COST function and the REVENUE function. 8) Solve the system of equations algebraically using the substitution method AND the linear combination method in order to find the break-even point. 9) Create a model of the product. 10) Create a Power Point Presentation that includes the following: †¢ A written introduction including a description of the product. A picture of the product †¢ The completed Market Research Survey †¢ A written summary of the survey results †¢ A list of the fixed costs and the total †¢ A list of the variable costs and the total †¢ The cost and revenue functions †¢ The algebraic computations of the break-even point †¢ An accurate graphical representation of the cost and revenue functions that shows the break-even point and the regions of loss and profit (l abel all items)†¢ A written explanation of the break-even point and the profit and loss regions of the graph. 1) Prepare a 5 minute presentation in which both partners share the responsibility of discussing and demonstrating: †¢ An introduction of the business and product †¢ The product or model of the product †¢ An explanation of how the Market Research Survey was used to help develop the product, the costs, and the product price †¢ The cost and revenue functions †¢ The algebraic computation of the break-even point †¢ The graph of the cost and revenue functions, the break-even point, and the regions of loss and rofit †¢ An explanation of the break-even point and the profit and loss regions of the graph †¢ Graphing the cost and revenue functions and finding the break-even point using the graphing calculatorAlgebra I Cost-Revenue Project Names: _________________________ _________________________ Work time and due dates: You will be given t ime to get organized today, 10 minutes of class time on Feb. 10th and 11th. We will work in the computer lab on Feb. 12th & 16th. †¢ You will give your presentations on Tuesday February 17. Power Point presentations must be emailed to me ([email  protected] k12. or. us) by 7:30 am on February 17th. If I don’t have it by then you will loose ALL presentation points. Power Point †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Introduction of the business and product The product The completed Market Research Survey A written summary of the survey results An explanation of how the survey was used to help develop the product, the costs, and the product price A list of the fixed costs and total A list of the variable costs and total The cost and revenue functions

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Bias Towards Fathers in Children Custody Decisions Essay

Deciding over children custody has always been a divisive, if not an emotionally laden issue. In most cases however, it is not surprising to see that most court decisions tend to award custody disputes in favor of mothers. At first glance, it may seem that court judges see mothers as naturally better parents. And there are not without good reasons to think why this is so. Mothers, by right of mere logic, are the ones who bring children into the world, and are therefore responsible for carrying and birthing them; so it immediately seems that they will naturally do more for children throughout their lives in order to help and care for them, inasmuch as they have already done much of this work months before children even enter the world. But while these reasons are already in themselves truthful, and are thus often taken by judicial courts as sound premises to support custody decisions in favor of mothers, it cannot be denied that there are certain biases towards fathers that are committed in the process. In many court decisions, it seems axiomatic to say that male persons – fathers, that is – are not being given the same amount of esteem and recognition being accorded to female mothers. This paper thus argues that there is an existing bias towards fathers in the court system that determines custody cases. And while there are many observations to support such a claim, it may be good to cite at least three. Bias Towards Fathers in Children Custody Decisions First, it is quite logical to surmise that the general perception about fathers – and the gender role stereotypes that come with such perception – contributes a lot to why mothers are frequently awarded with children’s custody in many court proceedings, specifically during divorce hearings. Men are not now nor have ever been consistently viewed as suitable caregivers. At the very least, they seem not be as nurturing as mothers. Their sole responsibility is to be destined, it seems, to provide for their family, and not to specifically nurture children. Thus, children and their mothers will always have a stronger attachment because mothers spend much more time caring for the children, whereas the father figure is more often seen to be better suited to be a hardworking, confident, and always providing role model. Besides, it has been argued that, on account of their being relatively unattached both physically and emotionally, divorced fathers â€Å"are more likely to be remarried† than their female counterparts (Ambert, 2005). Second, statistical records point to an indisputable fact that decisions favoring maternal custody of children reveal a lopsided trend. According to a report by the Canadian Department of Justice, 75% of divorce cases finalized by a contested hearing resulted in sole maternal custody and only 8% in sole paternal custody (Pulkingham, 1994). Meanwhile, in a more recent finding, it was observed that in both the United States and Canada, mothers were more likely to be awarded with children’s â€Å"physical custody† over fathers. It was moreover said that only 10-12% of children were ordered to live with their fathers; a trend which has been observed for many years now (Ambert, 2005). Present trends seem to always favor mothers. In fact, Maccoby, Depner and Mnookin affirm that while practical norms suggest that fathers must â€Å"remain involved† with children after divorce, many parents are â€Å"not rejecting the idea that children, particularly very young ones, should have their major residence with their mothers† (cited in Hetherington and Arasteh, ed, 1998, p. 112). Third, legal stipulations governing custody disputes also favor mothers more than fathers on account of certain stereotypes as well. One must note that the judicial system was in principle established to look out for the best interests of the innocent as well as those who are unable to secure basic protection of rights for themselves. Who is thus more in need of a judge’s guidance and assistance than the innocent and naive fully dependent beings as children? While men are not to be totally recognized as selfish beings, there are real problems surrounding their reputation. And it seems that their disgraceful track record pointing to how violent can male persons can become compared to female counterparts – at homes and the larger communities alike – is becoming more and more patent. In fact, â€Å"according to the Vancouver Police Department, of the 135 cases of violence and/or intimidation in intimate relations reported to the VPD in the month of July 1996, 88 percent of the suspects were male, and only 12 percent were female† (Richard, 1996). In marriages and relationships alike, it seems that sooner or later, men are far more likely than women to get violent or at least get verbally aggressive and threatening with their partners and spouses. These phenomena surely influence, one way or another, the creation of significant paternal restrictions in dealing with custody disputes. By Way of Conclusion: How Custody Cases Should Be Decided Drawing from the points that the discussions were able to present, this paper concludes with the thought that paternal custody for children evidently suffers from misjudged perspectives involving restrictive gender roles and stereotypes. The factors that were cited all seem to point to this long-known trend. The numbers have been, and I believe will always be in the favour of women – that women out of personal want or societal onus will always feel the urge to be more of the parent and provider for their children. But custody cases should be decided not on account of existing gender role assignment or biased stereotypes against the male gender. On the contrary, custody disputes must be decided upon without any compromise to the equal footing each parent – whether male or female – must be accorded in the process. Both parents must be accorded with equal time for visitation, residence and financial support; inasmuch as both parents are responsible for the well being of their children despite the failure in marital union. Works Cited Ambert, A. (2005). Divorce: Facts, Causes and Consequences. Retrieved 08 July 2008, from http://www. vifamily. ca/library/cft/divorce_05. html#Custody Maccoby, E. , Depner, C. , and Mnookin, R. â€Å"Custody of Children Following Divorce† in Mavis Hetherington and Josephine Arasteh, editors. (1988) Impact of Divorce, Single Parenting and Stepparenting on Children. Hillsdale, NJ, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pulkingham, J. (1994) â€Å"Contested Custody Claims in Canada†. Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 9, 73-97. Retrieved 08 July 2008, from http://fathersforlife. org/millar/custody. htm. Richard, C. (1996). â€Å"Vancouver Police Department, ‘Violence and Intimidation Against Women in Relationships: January to July 1996’† as compiled by Margaret Denike & Agnes Huang (1998). Myths and Realities of Custody and Access. Retrieved 08 July 2008, from http://www. harbour. sfu. ca/freda/reports/myths. htm.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

A Working Community – Ellen Goodman

Goodman quotes from her dictionary that geographically a community is defined as a â€Å"body of people who live in one place† and that in the past we â€Å"were members of precincts or parishes or school districts.†Perhaps if people in the past were asked what â€Å"a community† was to them, this would be the definition they would give. Over the years however, people have been increasingly spending more time in their place of employment rather than in their home.Goodman points out that in today’s societies many of us only use the community in which we live – our home – in order to sleep. Communities are becoming more a group of people who get to know each other and interact regularly. They gather around a concept or common goal or interest. Rather than belonging to a community in which we live, we increasingly create â€Å"a sense of belonging† in the workplace – within the community in which we find ourselves most of the time. 2.   Goodman also points out that not only has our â€Å"sense of community †¦ moved from office house to office building† but that â€Å"the labels we wear connect us with the members† and that â€Å"we assume we have something in common† with them. In modern society this notion of assigning labels to oneself and others is becoming more evident.People do this because they want to feel a sense of belonging, a sense that they have things in common with others. A problem not mentioned in Goodman’s article however, is that not only do we assign labels in the workplace, but we tend to describe most people by assigning labels. These labels most often contain assumptions, which in turn become stereotypes3. According to Goodman, in the same way that we have â€Å"replaced our neighborhoods with the workplace,† we have replaced our â€Å"ethnic identity with professional identity.†She goes on to state that the most obvious â€Å"realignment of community† is in the â€Å"mobile professions.† In today’s society many professionals are required to move from city to city in order to fulfill their work. They are able to â€Å"put roots down in their profession† rather than in their place of residence (residential community). This intensifies the shift from home communities to workplace communities and the sense of identifying oneself in terms of profession rather than self.4. Goodman begins her article by providing a few scenarios of people she knows and how they belong to different communities. Most readers would be able to associate with somebody or some community, so by doing this she is setting the scene for her readers; she is appealing to their sense of belonging from the onset and involving them emotionally from the beginning.In fact, she continues to do this throughout the article, especially by using the first person plural pronoun â€Å"we†. She does however, attempt to rationally appeal to her readers by presenting many scenarios and examples to support her arguments but she provides no real facts or figures in support.Her examples need to be extended to give real examples rather than continually referring to issues in general terms. She makes reference to researchers asking Americans what they like best about work but again only in general terms; she doesn’t provide any real evidence of what Americans say.Ethically, she appears to be knowledgeable and reasonable and she certainly tries to establish common ground with her readers but she falls short in not providing any consideration of opposing views.5.   â€Å"Bi-cultural collision† as discussed by Nhu in â€Å"Becoming American in a Constant Cultural Collision† is similar to a â€Å"loss of community,† in that they both refer to a movement of people – a realignment from one â€Å"sense of belonging† to another.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Analytical report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analytical report - Term Paper Example Numerous countries in the world do not use the floating exchange rate system due to its fluctuating nature. However, in this situation, it would be best for the small country to use this system since it has more positives than negatives when it comes to growth. The recommendations in favor of this system and some of its disadvantages are discussed below. One of the main advantages of this type of system is the fact that there is an automatic balance of payment adjustments. This means that if there is disequilibrium in the balance of payments, it is normally be corrected by changes in the exchange rate system. This means that if a country has disequilibrium in the balance of payment, then it means that the currency would have to decrease in value. First of all the disequilibrium is brought forth by the fact that the exports outweigh the imports in terms of supply. Therefore, the local currency would be greatly supplied in the foreign market (Bized, 2011, para. 4). This would drive the value of the local currency down and would mean that the imports would be made more expensive and the exports cheaper. This would lead to an automatic increase in demand for the exports which would ultimately result to a balance of payment adjustment. The other main advantage of this type of system is that it frees the internal policy. This means that t he balance of payment is usually rectified when there is disequilibrium by a change in the external price of the local currency. This is as opposed to a fixed exchange rate system in which if there is disequilibrium it means that there is the need to cause a general deflationary. This deflationary could result to the general unemployment of the citizenry. The other main advantage of this type of system is that the country would be free from economic crisis but not completely as money is usually

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Strategic management analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategic management analysis - Essay Example account the stability in the firm’s profits – the years 1998-1999 was a period with no increase in the firm’s profits despite the facts that the investment on the firm’s units remained high. The plan of Brenda Barnes was based on the ‘divestiture of weak-performing business units and product categories accounting for $8.2 billion in sales’ (case study). The specific strategic decision could be characterized at a first level as risky – the business units involved in the plan represent the 40% of the firm’s revenues. In this context, the firm’s profitability would be reduced; however, Barnes believed that the specific initiative would lead shortly to the increase of the firm’s profitability. In accordance with the above, the retrenchment strategy suggested by Barnes has changed the firm’s existing line up. Up to the introduction of Barne’s strategic plan the firm was based on the simultaneous promotion o f various products/ services but also the continuous expansion of the firm’s operational activities through the acquisition of competitors; Barne’s strategic plan has led to the limitation of expansion of the firm’s activities but also to the increase of its strength regarding specific products/ services – those with strong brand names. The effectiveness of the specific strategy will be analyzed further on taking into consideration the market conditions and the position/ power of competitors. The products offered by Sara Lee represent a wide range of industries. At its beginning (1939) the firm was related with the distribution of specific products (sugar, coffee, tea). Gradually, the firm’s activities were expanded to many different industries (selling of meat, canned products, vacuum cleaners, personal care products, household products, athletic wear, grocery, bakery products, coffee brands and so on). The long – term attractiveness of these brands cannot be guaranteed; because all these products need to be equally promoted, the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Public experience of game play cultivate a game culture in the late Essay

Public experience of game play cultivate a game culture in the late 20th century and location help determine game design and in regards to coin-op games - Essay Example t, in the late 1990s technological innovations paved way towards the inception of home gaming units with improved graphics and better simulation environments. Also, coin-op games offered a rich experience to the public as they were an expansive source of amusement during the time and thus, they produced a game culture where arcades became the points where rivalries existed and social meet-ups took place to an increasing rate (Wolf 12). Yet, with the gaming consoles culture replacing the coin-op games, game centers were now replaced and quality of game was central to how well the experience of gaming would be for the public. Therefore, an evolutionary context of gaming design in the late 20th century reveals that as technological innovations matured, quality of circuits, graphics and reality factor of the games replaces the arcades experience where amusement lied in the location perspectives of game designs. For this reason, the paper would discuss the game culture of various eras of the late 20th century to reveal how the industry not only expanded but also transformed over time. When the arcade amusement culture was first introduced, the coin-op games which the game design contained were quite simplistic in character. In addition, the graphics were also quite plain and simulation was also not as advanced. For instance, Atari introduced its first ever game design for ball and paddle games which simply had a vertical line with a small ball which moved horizontally. Yet, the games were fun and challenging for the public as the amusement was offered in locations solely dedicated to that purpose. Since people only managed to spend as much time on playing these coin-op games as the time on the town halls, theatres or game centers allowed, the thrill of the games lied in the experience. Though Atari was the largest contributor to coin-op games, yet various native as well as foreign companies were competing to grab attention of the public (Wolf 15). In this context,

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The impact of Work environment on employees satisfaction in 5 star Essay

The impact of Work environment on employees satisfaction in 5 star hotels in the USA - Essay Example There exists a significant level of formal knowledge on the subject of employee satisfaction in relation to the working environment. This chapter will briefly evaluate specific areas of knowledge that assess how the different aspects that form the working environment such as general environment (cultures and beliefs), hotel environment (leadership strategies and team work) and organizational behavior will impinge on the employee satisfaction. Also of interest are the consequent effects on productivity. 1.2Work environment. Employee’s attitude and behavior are influenced greatly by the quality of their work behavior are affected by the quality of their work environment Work environment can be broken down into general environment (cultures and beliefs), hotel environment (leadership strategies and team work) and personal impact. Jacques (1951) defined organizational culture as the customary or traditional ways of doing things which are shared to a greater or lesser extent by all members of an organization and which new members must learn and partially agree in order to be accepted in that organization. According to Cole and Thomson (1995) culture is described as a summation of values visions perspectives, standards and modes of behavior in any organization. Human resource strategies have a major influence on shaping the working environment. These strategies include those activities that are necessary in the recruitment of a workforce, providing employees with their payroll, drawing benefit plans, and administrating their work-life needs. The development and utilization of this resource is in a broad sense done in order to advance the organization’s objectives.